Fernan Stem Academy Coeur d’Alene

Fernan Stem Academy Coeur d’Alene located: 520 N 21st St, Coeur d’Alene, ID 83814
S.T.E.M. Schools is Why: 3000 People Moving to Coeur d’Alene 2017.
S.T.E.M. = Science, Technology, Engineering, Mathematics.
The Vision of Fernan Stem School Coeur d’Alene Idaho.
To inspire & motivate students by implementing a rigorous learning curriculum. Specializing in Project Based experiences, which challenges our kids with a focus on Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics as the base for critical thinking, participation learning and practice problem solving.
Fernan’s Stem School Mission!
Be nice, work hard, respect your classmates!
Mission Statement of Fernan Stem School:
Fernan Stem School Motto.
Where falcons feed on education; no goal’s too high where falcons fly!
Fernan Stem School Chant
We are Fernan STEM Academy Coeur d’Alene.
Scientists discovering all possibilities.
Students using Technology to understand reality!
Using Engineering to make things work efficiently!
Math brings it all together!
Enjoy Coeur d’Alene. Enjoy Your Stem Academy!