February 17

LAM Christian Academy Coeur d’Alene Idaho


LAM Christian Academy Coeur d’Alene Idaho

LAM Christian Academy CDA
LAM Classroom

LAM Christian Academy is located: 5350 N. 4th Street, Coeur d’Alene, ID 83815

Tel: (208) 765-8238


The number of Christian Schools is Why:  3000 People Moving to Coeur d’Alene 2017.


LAM Christian Academy Coeur d’Alene Idaho is a nonprofit, self-funded Christian school serving families in the Coeur d’Alene area since 1996. LAM delivers a classic academic education to Christian students from preschool through 5th grade.  Our purpose is to develop faithful leaders who love Jesus Christ.

Our dedicated staff, supportive parents, and awesome students, let LAM focus on a rigorous educational curriculum. LAM understands the future of Christian education is fulfilled by transitioning to Singapore math and a state-of-art science program. LAM is committed to STEM (science, technology, engineering, and mathematics). LAM is committed to a low student to staff ratio in the major disciplines of language arts, mathematics, science, history, and Bible education.

Spanish and Latin are part of our education for all students. An emphasis is placed on the fine arts of music, drama, & art. Students are trained in public speaking and participate in  live performances all year long. We have a before and after school program that shows our students how much they are loved.  We offer summer camps, and Monday extra-curricular classes.

LAM has set our student expectations higher than district and state standards which have helped students get a deeper understanding of subjects and higher test scores. LAM students rank high in the district/regional/state levels in speech meets, spelling bees, and Robotic competitions.

LAM’s Mission Statement:

To provide a quality Christian academic education to all students in a loving Christian environment and to share Jesus Christ’s love.


LAM was Founded in 1996
LAM is a Member of Idaho Federation of Independent Schools (IDFIS)
LAM is a Member of Association of Christian School International (ACSI)


LAM is a Non-profit 501(c)(3) Christian School
LAM has a full time Principal and Assistant Principal with office staff
LAM has approximately 25 full/part time faculty & staff
LAM has Certified Elementary Teachers/some with Masters degrees


LAM Christian Academy Coeur d’Alene Idaho strives for lower student to staff ratios by adding teacher assistants, parent volunteers, and part-time teachers.

LAM has approximately 125 students; grades preschool (age three) through fifth grade
LAM Preschool (Lambs): maximum 14 students
LAM Pre-K: maximum 12 students
LAM Bridge Class: maximum 12 students
LAM Kindergarten through fifth grade: 20 students per class

Enjoy Coeur d’Alene.  Enjoy Private Christian Education!

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cda, christian schools, coeur d alene, coeurdalene, Idaho

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