Why People Love Coeur d’Alene Idaho helps people understand why this little city by the lake is so popular.
Hello, I am Julie Paterson, Realtor Windermere / Coeur d’Alene Realty and I will explain why people love Coeur d’Alene Idaho as briefly as I can.
I have a very important job of helping people like you decide if the Coeur d’Alene area is the best choice for your big move. I will explain my favorite 16 reasons people love living here, as briefly as I can.

Why People Love Coeur d’Alene Idaho
#1) Polite & Happy People
When I visited Coeur d’Alene Idaho for the first time in 2006 and the friendly people stuck in my mind. Noticing how polite the kids were as they would hold the door open for me and actually waited until I walked through the door.
I saw a woman get a flat tire and 2 cars pulled up to help her replace her tire. After living here for 12 years I have the same opinion knowing people are happy to live here and they show it often.
#2) Coeur d’Alene Idaho has a lower cost of living
After moving here in 2008 my husband and I agreed that Idaho was the 50% State. That means the cost of living was 50% lower than in California. Taking into account the costs for gasoline, homes, electricity, water, insurance, natural gas and taxes.
#3) The Four Seasons
I love the 4 seasons. The seasons are never exactly the same each year. Some seasons the summer temperatures do not start until July. Some years the summer temperatures begin in June or May. Winter season always brings snow, and sometimes it melts quickly and some years our schools have 1 to 3 snow days.
Spring is exciting when the snow melts and in three weeks the plants spring to life. The beautiful fall season announces that Summer is over and it’s about time to buy some new sweaters. Nature delivers beautiful colors to let you know the season is changing.
#4) Art and Culture Communities
The Lake Coeur d’Alene and Sandpoint areas have an exciting Arts & Culture community. Having scheduled art walks with many art galleries in town. Entertaining the tourists and locals.
#5) Great Outdoor Adventures
The Coeur d’Alene area has better outdoor recreation than any other place in the USA I have found. Natures beauty entices you to get off the couch and go on a 2-mile hike. Winters you can spend the weekend’s snow skiing with your kids. Spring and Summer is a good time to take your ATV vehicle up the mountain trails right from your driveway. Also, enjoy your boat on Lake Coeur d’Alene or Hayden Lake fishing and pulling your kids on the inner-tube. Keeping the family together and happy.
Where can you fish for Salmon in the morning?
Take your ATV up the mountain trail before lunch.
Go hunting for Elk or whitetail deer with a 20-minute drive before sunset.
No other place I have ever found and the hiking trails are magnificently beautiful.
#6) Tasty and Magnificent Restaurants
I never would have thought the Coeur d’Alene area would have the best restaurants. Pleasing the pallet of people who have lived in big cities. After 12 years of living here, I have discovered local restaurants that deliver a tasty dining experience.
I have found some restaurant gems that deliver a great experience: Angelo’s Ristorante, Wolf Lodge Steakhouse, Satay Bistro, and Syringa Cafe.
#7) Best Coffee City
Coeur d’Alene Idaho was given the award of best coffee city and after you visit Coeur d’Alene you will know why. Hanging out with happy people inside the many coffee shops is a great pastime. The local coffee creations are award-winning and make for a tasty caffeine experience.
#8) Wonderful Healthcare
The many Baby Boomers moving to Coeur d’Alene Idaho want to know the local hospital has great healthcare. Kootenai Hospital is ranked by patients and national organizations as exceptional health care. And is part of the Mayo Clinic network.
Kootenai Health is ranked for excellent service, state-of-the-art treatments, compassionate care, and community support.
#9) Best Town To Raise Kids
I moved here in 2008 and I quickly noticed how much this community appreciates family first. Parents put the kids first and most of the Moms do not work a full-time job. Dads can work full-time and make enough money to support the family and live in a nice house in a safe neighborhood.
#10) Mindset of Live and Let Live
People who move to this area are happy to get away from the big city life and are like-minded. They are focused on family and how successful were you during the recent hunting season. How many guns did you get for Christmas? What marina do you put your boat in during the summer season? What Church do you go to?
We enjoy the simple things in life and we love the easier lifestyle.
#11) Active Retirement Community is why people love Coeur d’Alene Idaho
Baby Boomers who move here are looking for an active life in an amazing setting. The Baby Boomers are tired of big city life and love the lower cost of living. Idaho is the quickest growing community of Baby Boomers in the USA. Boomers are finding the Coeur d’Alene area their best choice to live the retirement life.
#12) Coeur d’Alene Idaho Cleanest City in America
Coeur d’Alene Idaho won the award of the cleanest city in America by Expedia.com. People that live in is this town by the lake take pride in its appearance. Residents don’t litter because we love where we live.

#13) Coeur d’Alene Idaho has Nice Police
Living here for 12 years I know the police are nice.
My son was at soccer tryouts at the local sports field and it was packed with parents. Many of their cars were parked illegally along the fence because the parking lot was full.
The police arrived and they came to the announcer booth and said they will give the parents 30 minutes to move their cars before they start giving out parking tickets.
Halloween night my husband and I had 5 teenagers in the car and the police pulled us over for driving 35 in a 25 mph zone. The police officer handed out candy to all the teenagers in my car. He checked my husband’s driver’s license and insurance then told my husband to slow down and be safe. But no ticket was given.
When the police drive down the street, kids and parents wave to them. Gotta Love Coeur d’Alene Idaho.
#14) Churches Everywhere in Coeur d’Alene Idaho
Moving here made me realize how many churches were available in this little town by the lake. Family and Church are the heart of this area like no other place I have ever seen.
#15) Technology Start-Up Area
Nobody would ever think that the Coeur d’Alene Idaho area was a start-up hub for new technology companies. Innovation Collective has created an exciting environment to start a business start-up and get investor funding. Businesses developing products in the markets of Artificial Intelligence, Drones, Self-Driving Vehicles, and Robotics are creating jobs in the Coeur d’Alene Idaho area.
#16) Rural Living Close To An International Airport
People living in this rural town appreciate the amenities of modern living with an International airport with an easy 40-minute drive.
We have a mall, Costco, state of the art hospital, modern fire stations and police. We have Teslas, 4-wheel drive pickup trucks, horses, modern roads and highways.
You want to relocate to the Coeur d’Alene Idaho area with confidence.
This is Julie Paterson the selected relocation Real Estate Agent in the Coeur d’Alene areas. My most important job is teaching you the ins and outs of this county that covers 1,310 square miles.
I moved my family and 3 small children here in 2008 and we do not miss Southern California at all. My second most important job is to help you discover the subdivisions that fit your lifestyle the best. I am a Certified Negotiation Expert, Accredited Buyer’s Representative, and an Accredited Buyer’s Representative. I am committed to serving you with a high level of service.
After we discover your best neighborhoods, we can start looking at preferred homes. I will make sure you are prepared so we can move fast when your dream home comes on the market.
Send me your home mailing address so I can mail you educational printed material about this area. When my customers come to visit this area for themselves we eat lunch together and talk about the Coeur d’Alene area. I enjoy sharing my knowledge with you and I will treat you like family.
Julie Paterson, Realtor
mobile 208-277-4499 Julie@BestCDAhomes.com