(Header Photo By @melia.lafleur.photography on instagram)
The Car d’Alene Classic Car Show:
The Best in the Pacific Northwest
As you and your family drive into the beautiful Idaho town of Coeur d’Alene, you pass a strikingly old car. The antique piece is in wonderful condition, zooming down the road behind you with all the force of your own newer vehicle. As you continue into Coeur d’Alene, you pass three more stunning cars just as old and beautiful as the first one you noticed.
You enter town and glance to the right just in time to see the first sign advertising the reason for these incredible occurrences: Car d’Alene, the biggest classic car drive in North Idaho, is starting tonight. And you, a lover of all things related to classic cars, just happen to be in town. What a delight!

Instagram Photo by @wander.freethey
Classic Cars In Coeur d'Alene
Car shows are an event that has been going on since the late 1800s. The world's first auto show occurred in Paris and sparked an interest in them that has not slowed since. Auto shows are an opportunity for vehicle owners to show off their collections, and for lovers of cars to come view them. Car enthusiasts love a well-put-together auto show. Ever since that first auto show in the 1800s, the years have been met with many more.
Coeur d’Alene’s play on words of a car cruise is one of the best classic car shows in the PNW. Car d’Alene’s two-day experience allows for a drive on Friday, June 17 and then a show on the 18th. At the show you can get up-close and personal with the vehicles, looking under their hoods and admiring their detailing. The event also features a Poker Walk, People’s Choice Voting, Young Builders Alley, retro music (to match the spirit of the antiques) and a beer garden for those over 21. It is a weekend full of fun that you will not want to miss.

Instagram Photo By @beccadalene
Young Car Builders
The Young Builders Alley is an especially great feature of this two-day event. Young builders, ages 25 and under, are encouraged to come and compete. Simply enter your car or automotive-related project into the Young Builder area of the car show on Saturday to compete for the Young Builder award!
Free for all viewers, this event is great for those looking for some inexpensive activities that the whole family can enjoy. Featuring food, fun, and amazing views, this car show is a great way to spend some time together with the whole family.

Instagram Photo By @wildjuniperphotography
How It All Got Started
As is true with most neat ideas, the Car d’Alene has a truly amazing background. What started with a simple trip into town soon became the Coeur d’Alene classic car show.
In 1990, a small bunch from Southern Idaho decided to come up north to celebrate the state’s 100th year. To make the event a bit more interesting, they wanted to perform this tour of Idaho in their classic cars.
Having heard about this group’s intentions, Dennis LeKander (owner of a classic car business in Coeur d’Alene) decided to gather as many antique car owners as he could and have them park their cars downtown as a sort of welcoming committee. This became an annual practice, and soon the Car d’Alene was created.

Instagram Photo By @hannahjgarvey
Bring Your Camera!
Now coming close to closing in on 30 years, this traditional show includes car owners from across the United States and has become a major event. Not only is this a wonderful opportunity for Car d’Alene photos to be taken (advertising the beauty of the town as well), but it also welcomes business to the area’s restaurants and bars.
A few years ago the show began a new tradition: the Retro Studio pin-up contest, inviting girls and women of all ages to do their hair and makeup. The contest will occur again this year.

Instagram Photo by @davidlinski
Fun For Everyone!
The Car d’Alene classic car show is not only a great opportunity for unique cars to be shown, but it is also a wonderful way for families to spend quality time together. They can enjoy the drive, take Car d’Alene photos, and eat good food, all while bonding together.
What better way to bring a city, a state, and even an entire country together than a car show? Admiring the designs of ages past together as a group is the best way we can bond. So, come visit the Car d’Alene drive and show in Coeur d’Alene, Idaho and experience the wonder of classic cars.

Instagram Photo By @huckthisphoto