Innovation Collective Coeur d’Alene is a big part of what makes CDA Great.
A membership group that is all about bringing great jobs to Coeur d’Alene in the areas of Robotics and AI (artificial intelligence).
Nick Smoot is the leader of this membership group called “INNOVATION COLLECTIVE.” Nick was born and raised in Coeur d’Alene. After high school, Nick Smoot moved out of town and funded 3 different Tech Companies. He built them and sold them successfully.
Now as a Nationally recognized Entrepreneur Nick Smoot has moved his family back to Coeur d’Alene to help up and coming companies build a successful business in new and emerging technologies that will change the World.
Nick is passionate about helping his hometown Coeur d’Alene, become a driving force in robotics and artificial intelligence. With the goal of creating high paying jobs in Coeur d’Alene so our youth that grow up in CDA can stay and raise their own families in Coeur d’Alene Idaho.

Nick created the “Think Big Festival” in Coeur d’Alene. The Think Big Festival is an annual event empowering entrepreneurs, focusing on the speed technology is moving and how entrepreneurs can participate in its progression.
The Think Big Festival is always in August in our wonderful city of Coeur d’Alene. Highlighting the field of robotics and AI. With a host of successful and brilliant minds from Microsoft, Boeing, Johns Hopkins APL, Gizmo, Facebook and more.
Think Big Festival is a huge event every summer in Coeur d’Alene. Bringing famous Entrepreneurs to our town every summer. Showcasing our beautiful lake city to thought-provoking speakers, live demos of drones, autonomous vehicles, robots, technology parties in town. You do not want to miss the next Innovation Collective Festival.
The Innovation Collective “DEN” is what makes Coeur d’Alene Great! The new “Den” is located at Lakeside Avenue and 5th Street. This is a beautiful facility that will house offices for the companies innovating the new technologies in AI and Robotics.
Many local Entrepreneurs have located to the Innovation Collective “DEN” to provide an exciting work environment for their employees.
Nick Smoot is making Coeur d’Alene GREAT! Move your technology company to CDA. Enjoy Coeur d’Alene and Enjoy your life!