People often ask, what is the weather like in Coeur d’Alene?
What is the weather like in Coeur d’Alene Idaho you ask? The four seasons are never precisely the same. Sometimes summer temperatures do not start until July 4th. In other years, summer temperatures begin in May or June. We get about 10 days a year above 90 degrees with our best summer feature 75-degree temperatures, and deep blue skies with fluffy white clouds.

Winters always bring snow, but some winters the snow melts quickly and other years our schools get between 1 to 4 snow days. Buy a 4-wheel drive vehicle and you can always drive around town on the snowiest winter days.

Springtime in Coeur d’Alene is invigorating. The snow melts, and in three weeks new plants are six feet high. The green beauty entices you to go for a two-mile hike.
Fall is beautiful and announces that summer is over and it’s time to go buy some new sweaters. Nature uses magnificent colors to let you know the season is changing.

Watch these videos about Coeur d’Alene weather.
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