Get out of California and take your kids, family, friends, and neighbors with you!
No more time left waiting for California to GET-WORSE! The time has come to move to another state and you know it. With all the crap going on in California, the writing-is-on-the-wall!
5 Million people have moved out of California in the last 10 years and I am one of them. I left 11 years ago and I don’t miss it one bit. I moved to Coeur d’Alene Idaho with my wife and 3 small children to a better place.
Why Coeur d’Alene?
BEST Website search HOMES FOR SALE in all the Coeur d’Alene areas
without getting phone calls from Realtors.

Relocation Expert for the Coeur d’Alene areas.
Julie Paterson Coeur d’Alene Realty / Windermere
Where Do You Want To Move Too?
The better question is why would you want to stay? I don’t want to make you more depressed, but I have to lay it all out in case you need some more reasons why you want to leave California.
.Gavin Newsom is Governor!
Removing Proposition 13?
Trying to pass an EXIT TAX.
Insane State Legislature.
Porn Capital of the World.
Ridiculous Regulations.
Crime is out of control.
Horrific Traffic.
Extreme Housing Costs.
Gang violence.
.MS-13 Loves California.
Political Correctness.
Illegal immigrants flooding the Health-Care system.
29% higher electricity costs than the USA average.
Worse small business failure rate.
Twice as much debt as any other State.
Highest paid teachers in the USA, but students rank 48th in math and reading.
California Boy Scouts Allow Gay Leaders.
STD’s are Rampant.
Subsidized welfare and section 8 housing for illegal immigrants.
20% higher unemployment rate than the USA average.
Only State that Taxes carbon emissions.
I don’t want to mention San Francisco and Hollywood.
Highest gasoline tax rate.
The worst “judicial hellhole”
At Least 765 new laws go into effect every year.
Foreign Immigrant Invasion.
The California Dream is DEAD.
60% of Californians’ income goes to some sort of TAX.
Illegal immigrants flooding the public school system.
The highest sales tax rate in America.
Bad State Government.
Highest state income tax in the Nation.
Liberals RULE The State.
The influx of 500,000 illegal immigrants every year.
The ‘FLAKY’ State.
What’s bad is GOOD in California.
Free legal services for illegal immigrants.
.Establish safe “injection zones” run by the government to oversee people injecting heroin.
.A bill to require your natural gender to be omitted from driver licenses.
Who Else Wants To Get Out Of California?
The GOOD NEWS is you can leave!
You have many great choices to move to America. You just have to find what works for you. If you move to one of our many small, but productive cities, like Coeur d’Alene, you can cut your living expenses by 50% and live a better quality of Life! Just because California has great weather is not a reason to stick around.
If you are looking to retire your savings can last you twice as long if you get out of California.
I know it can seem a little scary to move away from where you have grown up, but it’s much easier than you might think. Small towns around America are very welcoming. Your new neighbors will come and greet you when you move into your new home.
Strangers will say hello to you in the grocery store, just to be friendly.
In the small town I moved to I LOVE having 4 seasons. I grew up in Southern California for 40 years and I never had a snowy Christmas day. Snow is fun if you prepare for it. Spring is AMAZING and Fall is beautiful.
It’s refreshing to have Nature tell you what time of year it is.
I grew up in the ‘CONCRETE JUNGLE’ and got into trouble because we did not have anything productive to do. Going to the Mall to play “Ditch” was the best we could do. Now we go hunting, skiing, fishing, boating, mountain biking, hiking, and ATV riding in the mountains close to home. And I can drive my ATV on the streets to get to the mountain trails of my choice.
My kids enjoy swimming in Lake Coeur d’Alene with classmates and all the kids do things together. When you only have 20 kids in your class everybody’s friends. And the teachers invite you over to their home for dinner. . . This REALLY happened!
Yes, we have a COSTCO, Walmart, Libraries, Malls, and Huge Parks.
If you still have children and need to find a job, you can. The best news is the cost of living is so much lower, that your wife can stay home and raise the kids. And you can still buy a very nice home in a wonderful, crime-free neighborhood, with land!

Top Homes For Sale In Coeur d’Alene Idaho.
The California dream is dead, and people are moving out in droves. The best plan is to find a smaller town with a vibrant economy to relocate. Take your summer vacation and visit some places on your target list. Get out into the community and go to the local little league baseball game and meet the people that live there. It will put a smile on your face.
Get over your fear and take action. You don’t have much time left before California runs out of money supporting all the illegals. And you will have to put on your riot gear to go to the grocery store. Get out of California!
Enjoy Coeur d’Alene has our preferred Real Estate agent if you are planning on moving here.
Contact Julie Paterson Realtor Here.