January 30

Coeur d’Alene High School



Coeur d’Alene High School Vikings



Coeur d’Alene High School Vikings is located at: 5530 North 4th St, Coeur d’Alene, ID 83815.
Tel:(208) 667-4507


Awesome Public High Schools is Why:  3000 People are Moving to Coeur d’Alene in 2017.


A Student’s Take To kick it off, welcome to Coeur d’Alene Idaho!


For raising a family, visiting, or just enjoying the view,  you picked a good place. We got lakes, mountains, I’m pretty sure a vending machine, and the local schools for your viewing pleasure. We’ve got the Timberwolves at Lake City and the Vikings at CHS; ours versus theirs but it’s just a bit of friendly competition for your kid to take stock in, never hurts. We’ll stick with the Vikings today, offering a class education with a faculty of individuals that will try for you, if you try for yourself.



Let’s get started, shall we?


Well, for starters our high school is a very welcoming environment. You can utilize the tools you have for success for they are offered here and offered again, with the same thesis of “If you try, you’ll make it.” Here? If you try you could make it into the Music Department, Sports, Theater, we have a lot to offer in our little school. With ensembles to choose from, teams to shoot hoops or play football with, pep band to march in, or guitar gigs to shred, It’s all here for you and your teenage wonder of a child you appreciate.


Before we get to that, however, we must first know the history of our little high school.


Ranging back to 1903, we once started with a graduating class of two, compared to the graduating class of last year. It’s been quite a population jump in a hundred years, but that’s as expected for creatures that populate as fast as we do. Seriously. It’s like rabbits how fast that stuff happens. But anyways, it’s been interesting, our school’s progression. Implementing different sports and arts as the student body grew, the evolution of our school was directed to create an academically suiting and creatively stimulating environment.



Coeur d'Alene High School Student Body

CDA Student Body


What’s not to appreciate? A place for both the number crunchers and the bass slappers, intertwined to create a stellar experience to reflect on in the years to come. It’s high school, yeah, but it’s a very valuable thing to learn early on that common sense is not so common. Not everyone will be nice to you. Unfortunate; but it’s the way the pendulum swings. Learn not to expect the worst, or the best, for if one expects nothing they are seldom disappointed yet often delighted.


Expect nothing when you go to class every morning, except that the day will likely throw anything you may have planned off track, and thus, possibly swing it into a bad day. Or into a wonderful, out-of-the-blue experience. You never know. You’re disappointed when that girl turned you down on prom (take me?), but you’re delighted when you receive a compliment on a new hat or share a few kind words with a complete stranger.


All life experiences, except, wait for it; instead of it being key points in your life, spread amongst the years and places you’ve been, it’s where you go every single day. Every day I go to school I learn something new. How to communicate around someone’s bad day (or not at all), whether to keep my head down or brighten the mood by cracking a joke or two, how to graph an equation (always), how to read any given social situation so you can act accordingly, look you learn a lot here, and you don’t have to go anywhere besides class for these valuable life lessons.


It’s not often that you’re surrounded by over a thousand kids your age, going through the exact same thing you are; puberty, life, and total jerk parents (may vary). We consider ourselves so different than one another but really we aren’t all that different. We want acceptance, consciously or subconsciously, even you, the reader, seek it from someone or something in your life. It’s just natural, yet kids often time care so much about appearance rather than content, the cover’s artwork rather than what’s their chapter to chapter, page to page.


The way I see it; each notable point and time in your life takes up another page, and as you turn it you go back and forth in your history, for review and study. Once the book is complete, your story is complete. Kids, however, believe this one page is the entire book, causing them to take it so seriously and act so sporadically. Now, now, now as it seems to be put. We can’t just breath and take a step back and observe the experience for a moment. As Ferris Bueller states in my favorite quote.


“Life moves pretty fast. If you don’t stop and look around once in awhile, you could miss it.”



CDA Student
CDA Student




If you want your child to know these things early on, bring them to Coeur d’Alene. Let them study and observe their environment for a bit. You’ll never know what they learn lest they figure things out on their own, and what a time and place to be a little detective. So many kids in the exact same thought process yet communicating it differently, erecting a social hierarchical ladder kids find so impossible to climb.


The way I see it, and many others are that if you don’t build it, you wouldn’t have to climb it. Just be kind and others will (hopefully) follow your lead. If not, well, now you know who to not talk to. If you’re not much of a talker and more a writer, though, you could join Creative Writing and express yourself through the only thing mightier than the sword; the pen. It’s about time we got into the arts. Shall we?



So, if you do find yourself fancying a pencil over a brush or a classical score, you can swing into the Creative Writing class, where the raw talent of shaky voiced kids can boom into a literary masterpiece. You can write from your annoying little sibling to the wonders of the world, it doesn’t matter here, just go for it. Anything from Valhalla to talking hot dog buns, there’s been movies about them both, so they might not be all that fruitless a thought after all.


It’s classes like these that I most appreciate, for literacy is both a beautiful tool for the righteous and revolutionary and a vicious weapon for those who seek to control others. It matters only what hands such a thing falls into. Where do we think we get these Hollywood films? Thin air? Hell no. It comes from the boombox-esque voices of literary masters seeking to share their ideas with the world. Kids that literally break down when put on stage are given not a harder push for success; only shown a new angle to work from.


If the right leverage is in place, beautiful, wondrous things can happen. If your child seeks more of a stage performance, however, we have other options to choose from at Coeur d’Alene High School. A little play-master in the makes? Send them to Theater. Got an upcoming Louis Armstrong or Count Basie in your family tree? Swing ‘em by the band room. (We’ll show them the ropes). Our little school can make a new shed from the mold you present us. One better suited to help improve the planet and those on it; not take from and help destroy it.


Through the likes of legislation and demonstration do we help better the world that is our creation? Now, holding a pen doesn’t have to involve literacy (I personally can’t even write my own name, yet), it can involve a blank canvas and a bold stroke to break the silence, leaving us in the art room.


Ah, the fresh breath of air that is a room of art. In the realm of an artist, their workshop is their temple, their reserve, their escape, their space. There is no better nor comfortable a place to flow what was once incommunicable onto a canvas for the world to see and make of it what they will. We have a place where you can make sense of all that noise in the back of your head. Crazy, right?



An artist’s mind is like a computer; there are seventeen tabs open, nine of them are buffering, two are the same thing in different languages (one in hieroglyphs, probably Egyptian), five you can’t even find and the last one might be where that damn music is coming from. Might, though; it’s really only a solid maybe at this point. We have kids who can seldom wipe for themselves yet they can excrete excellence onto a canvas basically by just looking at it.


I can doodle, a little bit, this kid over here can accurately recreate Van Gogh pieces and alike. It’s honestly amazing what can be communicated through a picture. A poster to encourage unquestioning work for your nation, propagandizing the efforts of an unjust oil war painted in freedom, or one of a gentleman slipping a flower into the barrel of the rifle being pointed at him. Both glorifying two sides of a war fought against itself; an unwinnable effort, our species is caught in, to conquer ourselves. I guess one human is more human than another.


Huh, Animal Farm must’ve warned us about something *cough*. Art speaks past the victors’ depiction of history, for even genocide has been painted as liberation. This classroom, this environment, is where one learns the tools of such trade. Devoted revolutionary or governmental puppet, it’s a valuable skill set to use, abuse and appreciate. Like I said, it’s what it’s here for.


What else is here, is our freaking huge football field and runners track to suit all our sports entertainment needs. Shall we?TOUCHDOWN! Oh, sorry, welcome to the field. Is your kid a truckasaurus plowing through whatever you feed him and his third leg? Well, maybe football might be his slice of pie. All that pent up angst and frustration about how bullish your parents can be is all let out here, into the piledriver you just left with that kid on defense. We have a freaking helicopter, air dry our football field.






Since when does that happen? Here and now, I guess. I once witnessed a helicopter air drying the field after a heavy rainfall. Pretty sweet, huh? We can afford that and welcoming television screens for our office of pointing-down-the-hall but we can’t afford a new saxophone. Interesting, but you didn’t hear that from me. If American football isn’t a fulfilling enough sport for your youngin, maybe track or soccer or golf or basketball or- you know what? You get the point. There’s variety here for your little sportsman to use and abuse. Hopefully not too much on the latter, though. If you do that you could hurt yourself and joint injuries suck, my bum knee can speak on account of that.


So, let them run free (it’s actually really healthy for them as well) but don’t let them get hurt. A stationary bicycle and an overly-friendly physical therapist will be the better half of their dynamic duo for half a year or more. Soo, be careful. But enjoy yourself.


It’s what we’re here for at Coeur d’Alene High School, academic prowess and physical performance if you do so pursue it. Actually, on that, another cool thing about our high school is the freedom of choice you truly do have here.


What’d ya like? Football? Drawing? Singing? Whatever your pleasure we’re your punk, ladies, and gentlemen, for we have all the means to satisfy your needs and more, welcome to it! That kinda enthusiasm is really only matched by our student body, which we’ll flow to now.


The student body is a very interesting thing. It has the stigma of importance but how important is it, really? Well, who advocates for nutrition breaks? Longer times to get to class? Our cheer cadences and coordination? For that, it is pliable, but in my eyes, such an institution represents more than seats to be filled; it gives kids the chance to shine through as potential world leaders and informants and adversaries, it gives them a chance to feel like they belong, and is that not the world to such kids?


I say it’s worldly, cause for these kids it is their world. Instead of a page, it’s the whole book, but before I roll back into that let’s get back on track. Natural born leaders shining through the crowd like a fox in the henhouse, and those alike learning the best and most applicable branch on their tree of skill sets, all the while having a club to fall back on, thus reinforcing my argument of a supportive student body at Coeur d’Alene High School.


The kids here mean well, but everyone has their own idea of what “well” is, and how to show it. We must learn to view the innocence, for even the man who mugged you had a motive, and he probably didn’t like doing it any more than you liked it happening. Instead of getting rid of robbers, let’s get rid of what makes people rob. Instead of getting rid of the bully, let’s address what makes him so hostile, and what we can do to help.

The kids here mean well, but everyone has their own idea of what “well” is, and how to show it. We must learn to view the innocence, for even the man who mugged you had a motive, and he probably didn’t like doing it any more than you liked it happening. Instead of getting rid of robbers, let’s get rid of what makes people rob. Instead of getting rid of the bully, let’s address what makes him so hostile, and what we can do to help.


For us, it’s not about what you take from the world, it’s what you give. And why not give the best we possibly can? We have the ability to make the consciously better choice so, why not do so? The world will not be destroyed by those who seek to do it harm but by those who do nothing to stop the madmen. So, let us prepare our children to act. As only a thought, this is futile, but; We must not view the futility of thought but the utility of it in action.


At one point, this school was futile as it was only a thought. Now? That futility led to the utility of the student body.  We must establish bold, confident individuals ready to tackle the problems of the world head on with full responsibility in one hand and reparations in the other, for we are running out of time. As much as we’d like to stay in the loop, it’s time to fix things.


Coeur d'alene high school student

Awesome Coeur d’Alene Students.



What a better place to begin than Coeur D’Alene High? We got shop for broken trinkets, and shoulders for broken kids; bass-slappers and playwrights all alike, in the same race as the next kid, wanting to be cool but cracking the same joke “look at that fool”! It’s just another place for a high school experience, except this one? It’s memorable in the fact that you knew to make it memorable when you were here.


High school, in remembrance, should bring back a snicker and an “oh no I remember that” rather than  “well I didn’t do much.” So, that being said, come on over to Coeur D’Alene! You want a good high school experience well we’ll help you make it so.


Our door is open to welcome you to the Viking Creed, so come on in, join us; It’s a cozy place to make a childhood.


*Written by Erik Jackson, Senior at Coeur d’Alene High School.  Remember his name.  He will win an academy award someday.  Enjoy Coeur d’Alene loves our local students and the talent they have.




Enjoy Coeur d’Alene.  Enjoy Coeur d’Alene High School!

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cda, coeur d alene, coeurdalene, high school, Idaho

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