February 21

Coeur d’Alene Robots Love CDA Idaho


Coeur d’Alene Robots.


Delivery Robots Coeur d'Alene
Delivery Robots CDA


Coeur d’Alene was the first city in America to pass an ordinance that allows the use of robots in public.  Be nice, Coeur d’Alene Loves Robots.


Coeur d’Alene is becoming World famous for Robotics and AI,(artificial intelligence).  The city is embracing new companies that build robots and advance the science of AI to improve human lives.  Coeur d’Alene, aka CDA is home to the man that built the first Robotic Arm!  CDA offers sabbaticals to the leading robotics and AI,(artificial intelligence), professors.  When a robotics expert visits CDA he/she is freely provided with a car and home during their welcoming stay.


Robots Replacing Humans
Robots Replacing Humans


YES, Robots will replace repetitive factory jobs, but this is good news for employees that can re-educate and be adaptable.  Replacing a yearly salary for a factory floor operator of $20,000 for a salary of $65,000 to $100,000.


Start thinking about job titles like Robot coordinator, equipment installer,

mobile service technician, machine engineering and Robot maintenance.


34,600 manufacturing robots were delivered to medium and small size factories in North America in 2016! Robot sales have tripled in industries like packaged foods and pharmaceuticals.

Coeur d’Alene is helping companies build cheaper, faster Robots that can cost as little as $25,000.  Full of intuitive software, better visualization technology, smaller chips, better sensors, and materials.  Robots that can be operated by touch screen and can easily be repurposed to perform different tasks.  Building one robot that can replace 2,400 human-hours a year.


Instead of 5 people doing a mundane repetitive job. The robots will allow

one person to operate 5 robots to do the same tedious jobs.


CDA was the first municipality in the World to pass laws that protect robots on public property. Robots officially have

rights.  Robots can operate freely and autonomously on public lands. You need to treat robots as if they’re a human,

and they need to behave as if they are citizens,” explains Smoot.



Robots Coeur d'Alene


Robots Can Talk To Humans.


Recently 27 AI and robotics experts came to Coeur d’Alene  from around the Globe to talk

about regulation, education, and mitigation regarding robotics and AI.

With Robotic arms handing out cups of coffee!



CDA Robots


A “Maker Space” for kids, called “Gizmo,” teaches kids how to build robots and teaches AI classes.


Brent Regan is a resident of CDA and has been inventing robots since the 1980s.  Brent designed robotic arms used on submarines, and is the inventor of the Wave Glider Robots, and is a Battlebots champion!   Yoshi Kanamiya is a 35-year veteran professor of robotics at Tokyo City University.  Yoshi is coming for a 6-month sabbatical visit to Coeur d’Alene to help with the advancement of our cities robotics initiatives.


da Vinci Surgical Robot.


The Kootenai Hospital in CDA has a high-tech Coeur d’Alene Robots used for surgery.  “da Vinci” Surgical system is making huge advancements in surgical procedures right here in our great city of Coeur d’Alene Idaho.



Enjoy Coeur d’Alene.  Enjoy Robots

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cda, coeur d alene, coeurdalene, da vinci surgical robot, gizmo, innovation collective, kootenai health, robotics, robots

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